Turn back time

Have you ever wished that you were able to go back in time? At least in software development that is relatively easy.

If you ask someone how you could simulate the passing of time for a unit test you might get an answer that involves TypeMock Isolator or something even more wicked. But you can solve that problem with less than a hundred lines of code, once and for all.

In his book Dependency Injection in .NET Mark Seemann introduced a small helper class he calls TimeProvider. It is used as a sample of an Ambient Context and like the DateTime structure it offers some static properties to access the current local time or the current UTC time.

In a post on his blog Seemann shows how descriptive testing with the TimeProvider API can become.

Since I first read about the TimeProvider I used it countless times and it made my life a lot (!!!) easier. I made a few optimizations to reduce the friction of the original code.

public class TimeProvider
  private static TimeProvider current;
  static TimeProvider()
    current = new DefaultTimeProvider();
  public static TimeProvider
    get { return current; }
      Guard.AssertNotNull(value, "Current");
      current = value;
  public static DateTime Now
    get { return Current.GetNow(); }
  public static DateTime UtcNow
    get { return Current.GetUtcNow(); }
  protected abstract DateTime GetNow();
  protected abstract DateTime GetUtcNow();

This is the default implementation:

public class DefaultTimeProvider : TimeProvider
  protected override GetNow()
    return DateTime.Now;
  protected override GetUtcNow()
    return DateTime.UtcNow;

And because Moq can’t mock protected methods I wrote an almost as simple implementation for unit testing

public class MockTimeProvider : TimeProvider
  private readonly DateTime now;
  private readonly DateTime utcNow;
  public MockTimeProvider(DateTime now)
    : this(now, now)
  public MockTimeProvider(DateTime now, DateTime utcNow)
    this.now = now;
    this.utcNow = utcNow;
  protected override GetNow()
    return this.now;
  protected override GetUtcNow()
    return this.utcNow;

I had to change the implementation of the Freeze method from the sample a bit but nothing to worry:

internal static void Freeze(this DateTime dt)
    var timeProviderStub = new MockTimeProvider(dt);
    TimeProvider.Current = timeProviderStub;

It won’t help you in legacy systems* or when dealing with 3rd party components. But it really helps when testing your own code!

* Unless you replace all calls to DateTime.Now or UtcNow which we did on a project I worked with last year.

2 Responses to Turn back time

  1. thedotnetjunkie says:

    But why an ambient context? Just inject it like any other dependency. Saves a lot of code and makes testing much easier.

    • weberse says:

      If we were talking about something “service’ish” I would totally agree. Don’t mess around with static classes or methods and inject the thing. But this is TIME. We need it EVERYWHERE. Making the TimeProvider an explicit dependency would pollute each and every API in my application. “Give me the current time” is a very, very narrow scope and fullfilling that taks does not involve any black magic (like querying a database, webservice or the config system). I don’t have any objections to using an ambient context if these criteria are satisfied.

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