Behavioral Testing

Jimmy Bogard recently gave a presentation at the NDCOslo about a testing strategy he calls Holistic Testing. Have a look at the video, it’s worth your time!

Among a lot of other things he talked about why he doesn’t use mocking frameworks (or hand-crafted mock objects) very often in his tests. According to Jimmy, testing with mocks tends to couple your tests to the implementation details of your code. Instead he prefers to test the behavior of his code and ignore said implementation as far as possible.

While I don’t agree with his sample code I totally agree with his statement. But let’s have a look.

[Theory, AutoData]
public void DummyTest(Customer customer)
  var calculator = A.Fake<ITaxCalculator>();
  A.CallTo(() => calculator.Calculate(customer)).Returns(10);
  var factory = new OrderFactory(calculator);
  var order = factory.Build(customer);

This code snippet uses xUnit’s Theories for data driven tests along with AutoFixture’s extension to that feature which “deterministically creates random test data”. AutoFixture creates the Customer object. Then Jimmy uses FakeItEasy to create a mock for the ITaxCalculator, setup the return value for the call to it’s Calculate() method. Passes the calculator to the constructor of the OrderFactory lets the factory create an Order and asserts that the correct tax is set on the order. Nothing spectacular so far (if you are already familiar with data Theories and AutoFixture that is…).

But what happens if the factory no longer uses a calculator? Or if we add another parameter to the constructor? After all the constructor is just an implementation detail that we don’t want to care about. But these changes will break our test code. And this is where Jimmy gets fancy.

Assuming that we already build our code according to the Dependency Injection Pattern and use a DI container in our project (that’s quite some assumption…), we already have the information about how the factory is assembled and which calculator (if any) is to be used in the configuration of said container. So why not use the container to provide us with the factory instead of new’ing it up ourselves?

I took the liberty of streamlining Jimmy’s test a bit more by letting AutoFixture create the customer as well. The ContainerDataAttribute is derived from AutoFixture’s AutoDataAttribute. My sample uses Unity instead of StructureMap but it works all the same. In contradiction to Jimmy’s statement (around 45:46 in the video) Unity does support the creation child containers. Although I have to admit that this is the first scenario where this feature makes sense to me. But that is a different story I’ll save for another day.

[Theory, ContainerData]
public void DummyTest(OrderFactory factory, Customer customer)
  Order order = factory.Build(customer);

Wow. That’s what I call straight to the point. You don’t care about the creation process of your system-under-test (the factory) or your test data (the customer). You just care about the behavior which is to set the correct tax rate on your order object.
As the tax rate differs from one state to another it might not make sense to test for that specific value without controlling its calculation to some extent (e.g. via a mock object…) but that’s a common problem with HelloWorld!-samples and does not diminish the brilliancy of the general concept.

So let’s see how the ContainerDataAttribute is implemented.

public class ContainerDataAttribute : AutoDataAttribute
  public ContainerDataAttribute()
    : base(new Fixture().Customize(
      new ContainerCustomization(
        new UnityContainer().AddExtension(
          new ContainerConfiguration()))))

We derive from AutoFixture’s AutoDataAttribute which does the heavy lifting for us (like integrating with xUnit, creating random test data, …). We call the base class’ constructor handing it a customized Fixture object (that is AutoFixture’s lynchpin for creating test data). The customization receives a preconfigured UnityContainer instance as a parameter. As you might have guessed UnityContainer is the Unity DI container. Unity’s configuration system is not as advanced as that of most other containers. Especially it does not bring a dedicated way to package configuration data (like StructureMap’s Registry for example). But you can (ab)use the UnityContainerExtension class to achieve the same result. Just place your configuration code inside your implementation of the abstract Initialize() method and add the extension to the container.

public class ContainerConfiguration : UnityContainerExtension
  protected override void Initialize()
    this.Container.RegisterType<IFoo, Foo>();
    this.Container.RegisterType<ITaxCalculator, DefaultTaxCalculator>();

It makes sense to re-use as much of your production configuration as possible. But you should consider to modify it in places where the tests might interfere with actual production systems (like sending emails, modifying production databases etc.).

The customization to AutoFixture hooks up two last-chance handlers for creating objects by adding them to IFixture.ResidueCollectors.

public class ContainerCustomization : ICustomization
  private readonly IUnityContainer container;
  public ContainerCustomization(IUnityContainer container)
    this.container = container;
  public void Customize(IFixture fixture)
    fixture.ResidueCollectors.Add(new ChildContainerSpecimenBuilder(this.container));
    fixture.ResidueCollectors.Add(new ContainerSpecimenBuilder(this.container));

AutoFixture calls these object creators SpecimenBuilders. The first one we hook up is responsible for creating a child container if a test requires an IUnityContainer as a method parameter. The second actually uses the container to create objects.

public class ChildContainerSpecimenBuilder : ISpecimenBuilder
  private readonly IUnityContainer container;
  public ChildContainerSpecimenBuilder(IUnityContainer container)
    this.container = container;
  public object Create(object request, ISpecimenContext context)
    Type type = request as Type;
    if (type == null || type != typeof(IUnityContainer))
      return new NoSpecimen();
    return this.container.CreateChildContainer();
public class ContainerSpecimenBuilder : ISpecimenBuilder
  private readonly IUnityContainer container;
  public ContainerSpecimenBuilder(IUnityContainer container)
    this.container = container;
  public object Create(object request, ISpecimenContext context)
    Type type = request as Type;
    if (type == null)
      return new NoSpecimen();
    return this.container.Resolve(type);

The NoSpecimen class is AutoFixture’s way of telling its kernel that this builder can’t construct an object for the current request. Something like a NullObject.

Well and that’s it. A couple of dozen lines of code. A superior testing framework (xUnit). A convenient way of creating test data (AutoFixture). A DI container (which should be mandatory for any project if you ask me…). And writing maintainable tests for the correct behavior of your code becomes a piece of cake. I love it! 🙂

You can find the sample code on my playground on CodePlex (solution TecX.Playground, project TecX.BehavioralTesting).

Using Expressions in WCF

Most business applications deal with showing, analyzing and modifying some kind of business relevant data. Although it is not a rare thing that customers ask you to “load everything” into a grid and let them work the data like they “always did in Excel” this is rarely a good idea. As soon as you have more than “Hello World!” numbers of records in your persistent storage, loading that data will take time, network bandwidth, CPU cycles for (de)serialization and disk I/O etc. pp.

A much better approach is to limit the number of records to be returned as early as possible by filtering out those records that don’t match your criteria. In a client/server application that means doing the filtering on the server. If you use WCF for the communication between client and server there is a slight glitch you need to work around: How do you get the filtering criteria to the server?

Out of the box you can’t transmit the Expression trees that represent your queries over the wire. They are not serializable. Using strings is tedious and prone to typos. In addition you will have to parse your query string unless you use some vendor specific format like Hibernate’s HQL which adds vulnerabilities like “xQL injection” to the mix. Creating server side methods for each filter you can think of is inflexible (i.e. users can’t create dynamic queries) and will result in a lot of code for something that is as easy as a one-line expression would be. Using some implementation of the Specification pattern would also require you to write quite some amount of code for the different search criteria which would only duplicate a subset of the features that Expressions offer. In addition you would add yet another syntax that your co-developers need to master. So unless you don’t mind to write, test, fix, document, update and maintain a lot of code you are back to square one.

Serialize.Linq to the rescue

The problem of Expressions not being serializable is as old as LINQ itself. This article on MSDN dates as far back as 2008. The author uses XML to represent the original query. Another article in a recent edition of a German .NET magazine uses a custom IQueryProvider that performs the translation between Expression tree and XML. Both implementations work to a certain degree but I have to admit I like neither one. My personal opinion on XML: It’s one huge PITA to work with. Sorry for the language. So I try to avoid having to deal with it whenever possible.

Serialize.Linq works a bit different: It maps each node of the original expression tree to a node that the DataContractSerializer can easily digest (I know that means XML somewhere under the covers, but the chances that I will ever see it or have to deal with it are close to zero). In a WCF scenario, this structure is then serialized, transmitted over the wire, deserialized into Serialize.Linq’s custom node format and from there back to a real Expression tree. You can find some articles that describe features of the framework on Sascha Kiefer’s blog.

This article talks about using Serialize.Linq together with WCF. It’s easy and requires almost zero work on your side. You just have to do the conversion between Expressions and SL’s ExpressionNodes whenever you query for data. Over and over again. Hm… Wouldn’t it be a lot better if I could save that effort as well?

I think I got the idea from various posts on Oren Eini’s blog: If you have repetitive tasks that are always the same put them into your infrastructure to relieve the burden on the developers a little. Well, considering that my infrastructure in this case is WCF which has about a bazillion extension points and that I have some experience with messing with WCF’s serialization behavior from my experiments with Enumeration classes I thought I would give it a shot.

Yet another IDataContractSurrogate

I found out that I can reuse most of the code I wrote for the custom serialization of Enumeration classes. By replacing Enumerations with Expressions I got it working in almost no time on the server side. The code snippets ignore methods that are not implemented for brevity.

public class SerializeExpressionsBehavior : Attribute, IServiceBehavior, IContractBehavior, IWsdlExportExtension
  private readonly ExpressionDataContractSurrogate surrogate;
  public SerializeExpressionsBehavior()
    this.surrogate = new ExpressionDataContractSurrogate();
  void IServiceBehavior.ApplyDispatchBehavior(ServiceDescription serviceDescription, ServiceHostBase host)
    foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in serviceDescription.Endpoints)
      foreach (OperationDescription operation in endpoint.Contract.Operations)
        DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior behavior = operation.Behaviors.Find();
        if (behavior == null)
          behavior = new DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior(operation) { DataContractSurrogate = this.surrogate };
          behavior.DataContractSurrogate = this.surrogate;
  private void HideEnumerationClassesFromMetadata(ServiceHostBase host)
    ServiceMetadataBehavior smb = host.Description.Behaviors.Find();
    if (smb == null)
    WsdlExporter exporter = smb.MetadataExporter as WsdlExporter;
    if (exporter == null)
    object dataContractExporter;
    XsdDataContractExporter xsdInventoryExporter;
    if (!exporter.State.TryGetValue(typeof(XsdDataContractExporter), out dataContractExporter))
      xsdInventoryExporter = new XsdDataContractExporter(exporter.GeneratedXmlSchemas);
      xsdInventoryExporter = (XsdDataContractExporter)dataContractExporter;
    exporter.State.Add(typeof(XsdDataContractExporter), xsdInventoryExporter);
    if (xsdInventoryExporter.Options == null)
      xsdInventoryExporter.Options = new ExportOptions();
    xsdInventoryExporter.Options.DataContractSurrogate = this.surrogate;

And the DataContractSurrogate that performs the actual translation between Expressions and ExpressionNodes.

public class ExpressionDataContractSurrogate : IDataContractSurrogate
  public Type GetDataContractType(Type type)
    if (typeof(Expression).IsAssignableFrom(type))
      return typeof(ExpressionNode);
    return type;
  public object GetObjectToSerialize(object obj, Type targetType)
    Expression expression = obj as Expression;
    if (expression != null)
      return expression.ToExpressionNode();
    return obj;
  public object GetDeserializedObject(object obj, Type targetType)
    if (typeof(Expression).IsAssignableFrom(targetType))
      return ((ExpressionNode)obj).ToExpression();
    return obj;

As I wanted to use Expressions on the client side as well I needed a new EndpointBehavior to hook up the surrogate. After that … it just worked 🙂

public class ClientSideSerializeExpressionsBehavior : IEndpointBehavior
  private IDataContractSurrogate surrogate;
  public ClientSideSerializeExpressionsBehavior()
    this.surrogate = new ExpressionDataContractSurrogate();
  public void ApplyClientBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, ClientRuntime clientRuntime)
    foreach (OperationDescription operation in endpoint.Contract.Operations)
      DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior behavior = operation.Behaviors.Find();
      if (behavior == null)
        behavior = new DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior(operation) { DataContractSurrogate = this.surrogate };
        behavior.DataContractSurrogate = this.surrogate;

So far I tested my solution with proxies derived from ClientBase<T>

using (var proxy = new MyServiceClient(new BasicHttpBinding(), new EndpointAddress(ServiceAddress)))
  Customer[] customers = proxy.QueryCustomers(c => c.Id > 3);
  // ...

(the client side behavior is added in the proxies constructor)

public MyServiceClient(Binding binding, EndpointAddress address)
  : base(binding, address)
  this.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new ClientSideSerializeExpressionsBehavior());

and those generated on-the-fly by a ChannelFactory<T>. Works like a charm 🙂

var factory = new ChannelFactory(new BasicHttpBinding(), ServiceAddress);
factory.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new ClientSideSerializeExpressionsBehavior());
var proxy = factory.CreateChannel();
Customer[] customers = proxy.QueryCustomers(c => c.Id > 3);

What you get and what’s missing

What you get is this beauty:

var customers = proxy.QueryCustomers(c => c.Id > 3);

Neat and simple.

With Serialize.Linq and the small additions to the WCF infrastructure outlined above you can use Expressions when querying a WCF service without breaking your workflow by manually translating queries to another format. Just use the same queries that you would use for any other data source. Done.

I have yet to evaluate wether the above code works with clients generated using “Add service reference”. But that will be the topic of another article. What’s definitely not working is seamlessly using Expressions in Silverlight clients. DataContractSurrogates are among the features that MS decided not to support in Silverlight. *sigh*

As usual you can grab the code from my page on CodePlex (projects TecX.Expressions and TecX.Expressions.Test). Enjoy! 🙂

New Release: Enterprise Library 6.0 & Unity 3.0

Patterns & practices (p&p) just released a new version of the Enterprise Library and the Unity Dependency Injection Container.

Grigori’s release notes can be found here.

The binaries and source code for EntLib can be downloaded from MSDN. Those for Unity are quite well hidden for some reason… Grab them here.

Book Discount Kata

Long time no see. About two months without anything interesting (related to dev topics at least) happening.

Recently I had a look at some of the katas at Coding Dojo. Quite interesting stuff. Today I want to present my shot at the Harry Potter book discount kata.

First things first: I used xUnit and especially xUnit’s data theories for TDD’ing my solution. I took a leave out of the kata’s book and used simple integer arrays to represent the shopping basket. I started with the simplest possible implementation. One class (DiscountCalculator) with a single method (Calculate(int[])). But well … that didn’t get me too far. Basically it solved the problem up to “we have two different books, how much is that?” before I decided that I hate the resulting code.

So I leaned back and thought about the problem a bit more. What I needed was a way to find subsets of the books inside the shopping basket that would maximize the discount. Some kind of partitioning algorithm. After a little back and forth I chose to implement that algorithm as a combination of three simple steps:

  1. If the basket is empty, you are done and no more partitioning is needed.
  2. If you have 8 books left in the basket and you can form two partitions with 4 distinct books each, you should prefer that to a 5/3 partition.
  3. Take as many distinct books as possible from the basket.

This is the code for those three steps:

public class EmptyBasket : IBasketPartitioner
  public void Partition(PartitioningContext context)
    if (context.Basket.Length == 0)
      context.Finished = true;
public class Prefer44To53 : IBasketPartitioner
  public void Partition(PartitioningContext context)
    if (context.Basket.Length == 8)
      List<int> basketCopy = new List<int>(context.Basket);
      int[] part1 = context.Basket.Distinct().Take(4).ToArray();
      if (part1.Length == 4)
        foreach (int book in part1)
        int[] part2 = basketCopy.Distinct().ToArray();
        if (part2.Length == 4)
public class GreedyGrabDistinctBooks : IBasketPartitioner
  public void Partition(PartitioningContext context)
    int[] differentBooks = context.Basket.Distinct().ToArray();
    if (differentBooks.Length > 0)

Admittedly the implementation of the 4/4 rule could use some polishing. But it works for now.

To host those steps I used a variation of the chain-of-responsibility pattern. This chain would loop through the different steps. Each step would take some of the books from the basket and put them in a list of partitions until there are no books left. The order of the steps is important! To achieve the desired outcome of the “prefer 4/4 partition to 5/3 partition” rule you need to take those books from the basket before the greedy “take as many distinct books as possible” rule applies. I chose to remove both 4/4 chunks from the basket in step 2 to reduce the overhead of the calls to Distinct().

public class PartitionerChain
  private readonly List<IBasketPartitioner> partitioners;
  public PartitionerChain(params IBasketPartitioner[] partitioners)
    this.partitioners = new List<IBasketPartitioner>(partitioners);
  public IEnumerable<int[]> GetPartitions(int[] originalBasket)
    var context = new PartitioningContext(originalBasket);
    int index = 0;
      index = (index + 1) % this.partitioners.Count;
    while (!context.Finished && context.Basket.Length > 0);
    return context.Partitions;

The chain hands a context from step to step which contains the current content of the shopping basket, a list of partitions and a flag that indicates when the partitioning process is finished.

public class PartitioningContext
  private readonly List<int[]> basketPartitions;
  public PartitioningContext(int[] originalBasket)
    this.Basket = originalBasket;
    this.basketPartitions = new List<int[]>();
  public int[] Basket { get; private set; }
  public bool Finished { get; set; }
  public IEnumerable<int[]> Partitions { get { return this.basketPartitions; } }
  public void MakePartition(int[] partition)
    List<int> newBasket = new List<int>(this.Basket);
    foreach (int book in partition)
    this.Basket = newBasket.ToArray();

To calculate the actual price of the books I switched from the switch-case solution to (yet again) a chain-of-responsibility based one.

public abstract class DiscountStrategy
  public DiscountStrategy Next { get; protected set; }
  public abstract double GetPrice(int[] basket);
public class NoDiscount : DiscountStrategy
  public override double GetPrice(int[] basket)
    return basket.Sum(book => 8.0);
public class TwoBooks : DiscountStrategy
  public TwoBooks(DiscountStrategy next)
    this.Next = next;
  public override double GetPrice(int[] basket)
    if (basket.Length == 2)
      return 2 * 8 * 0.95;
    return this.Next.GetPrice(basket);
public class ThreeBooks : DiscountStrategy
  public ThreeBooks(DiscountStrategy next)
    this.Next = next;
  public override double GetPrice(int[] basket)
    if (basket.Length == 3)
      return 3 * 8 * 0.9;
    return this.Next.GetPrice(basket);
public class FourBooks : DiscountStrategy
  public FourBooks(DiscountStrategy next)
    this.Next = next;
  public override double GetPrice(int[] basket)
    if (basket.Length == 4)
      return 4 * 8 * 0.8;
    return this.Next.GetPrice(basket);
public class FiveBooks : DiscountStrategy
  public FiveBooks(DiscountStrategy next)
    this.Next = next;
  public override double GetPrice(int[] basket)
    if (basket.Length == 5)
      return 5 * 8 * 0.75;
    return this.Next.GetPrice(basket);

[OT] Did I mention that I LOVE the chain-of-responsibility pattern? It is super flexible. It allows for clear separation of concerns. Favors small, easy to understand (and test) classes. Changing the behavior of your solution becomes a simple matter of reordering steps that you have already implemented. [/OT]

By this you can easily swap out different discount rules.

After that the calculator was a rather dumb shell. It assembles the two chains in its constructor. This can be seen as a violation of the D(ependency Inversion) of SOLID software development. I chose to encapsulate the knowledge of how to order the different pieces in the chains there nonetheless. If I ever need to make that step configurable, it would be a no-brainer as the assignment already happens in the calculator’s constructor.

All the calculator has to do now is to let the partioners divide the shopping basket into handy pieces and then let the discount strategies calculate the price for the individual chunks. Sweet!

public class DiscountCalculator
  private readonly PartitionerChain partitioners;
  private readonly DiscountStrategy discounts;
  public DiscountCalculator()
    this.partitioners = new PartitionerChain(new EmptyBasket(), new Prefer44To53(), new GreedyGrabDistinctBooks());
    this.discounts = new FiveBooks(new FourBooks(new ThreeBooks(new TwoBooks(new NoDiscount()))));
  public double Calculate(int[] basket)
    var partitions = this.partitioners.GetPartitions(basket);
    double total = partitions.Sum(partition => this.discounts.GetPrice(partition));
    return total;

One more word to the testing aspect. I mentioned that I used xUnit data theories. With these it was almost effortless to use the test cases described at the bottom of the kata.

[InlineData(0d, new int[0])]
[InlineData(8d, new[] { 0 })]

// ...

[InlineData(2 * 8 * 4 * 0.8, new[] { 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4 })]
[InlineData(3 * 8 * 5 * 0.75 + 2 * 8 * 4 * 0.8, new[]
                                                  0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                  1, 1, 1, 1,1,
                                                  2, 2, 2, 2,
                                                  3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
                                                  4, 4, 4, 4
public void CalculatesCorrectPrice(double expected, int[] basket)
  DiscountCalculator sut = new DiscountCalculator();
  Assert.Equal(expected, sut.Calculate(basket));

It was never ever that easy to setup tests that use different data but are equivalent otherwise. If you are interested in data theories and how they can make your life as a tester so much easier I strongly recommend that you have a look at Mark Seemann’s awesome series of posts about his implementation of the String Calculator kata. Mind blowing!

So that’s it for now. I think I will have a look at the other katas. Hope they are as much fun 🙂

Turn back time

Have you ever wished that you were able to go back in time? At least in software development that is relatively easy.

If you ask someone how you could simulate the passing of time for a unit test you might get an answer that involves TypeMock Isolator or something even more wicked. But you can solve that problem with less than a hundred lines of code, once and for all.

In his book Dependency Injection in .NET Mark Seemann introduced a small helper class he calls TimeProvider. It is used as a sample of an Ambient Context and like the DateTime structure it offers some static properties to access the current local time or the current UTC time.

In a post on his blog Seemann shows how descriptive testing with the TimeProvider API can become.

Since I first read about the TimeProvider I used it countless times and it made my life a lot (!!!) easier. I made a few optimizations to reduce the friction of the original code.

public class TimeProvider
  private static TimeProvider current;
  static TimeProvider()
    current = new DefaultTimeProvider();
  public static TimeProvider
    get { return current; }
      Guard.AssertNotNull(value, "Current");
      current = value;
  public static DateTime Now
    get { return Current.GetNow(); }
  public static DateTime UtcNow
    get { return Current.GetUtcNow(); }
  protected abstract DateTime GetNow();
  protected abstract DateTime GetUtcNow();

This is the default implementation:

public class DefaultTimeProvider : TimeProvider
  protected override GetNow()
    return DateTime.Now;
  protected override GetUtcNow()
    return DateTime.UtcNow;

And because Moq can’t mock protected methods I wrote an almost as simple implementation for unit testing

public class MockTimeProvider : TimeProvider
  private readonly DateTime now;
  private readonly DateTime utcNow;
  public MockTimeProvider(DateTime now)
    : this(now, now)
  public MockTimeProvider(DateTime now, DateTime utcNow)
  { = now;
    this.utcNow = utcNow;
  protected override GetNow()
  protected override GetUtcNow()
    return this.utcNow;

I had to change the implementation of the Freeze method from the sample a bit but nothing to worry:

internal static void Freeze(this DateTime dt)
    var timeProviderStub = new MockTimeProvider(dt);
    TimeProvider.Current = timeProviderStub;

It won’t help you in legacy systems* or when dealing with 3rd party components. But it really helps when testing your own code!

* Unless you replace all calls to DateTime.Now or UtcNow which we did on a project I worked with last year.

Enterprise Library 6.0 – Semantic Logging Application Block CTP

The first bits of EntLib6 are out! Welcome the Semantic Logging Application Block!

It’s based on Event Tracing for Windows (ETW, which is baked into the Windows OS) but additionally offers support for classic logger targets like flat files, databases etc. It provides a structured, extensible log format for all of your log messages which makes processing and searching your log much more convenient.

Read more on the background of semantic logging or directly get some code and start experimenting with the CTP.

Microsoft p&p Advisory Board Member

Last week Grigori Melnik, Principal Program Manager at Microsoft patterns & practices and responsible for the development of the Microsoft Enterprise Library and Unity Dependency Injection Container, asked wether I would like to join the Advisory Board for EntLib6/Unity3.

I happily accepted the invitation 🙂

I’m looking forward to participating in the development of a great tool set and learning how p&p works! Thanks for the chance to give something back to you guys!




Pipes and Filters

Pipes and filters (or just pipeline) is another common pattern. Oren Eini and Jeremy Likness both have very interesting posts about it on their respective blogs.

While Jeremy’s post aims at the slick creation of pipelines, Oren talks more about the pattern itself and how to implement it in a specific manner (using input and output values of Type IEnumerable<T>).

Some interesting argument came up in the comments to Oren’s post. “Why not use LINQ instead of your custom pipeline (framework)?”

I won’t repeat all the pros and cons here. Better read the posts yourself, they are worth your time!

My opinion on the topic: LINQ is a great tool. But I believe it’s neither the only solution for chains of queries and transformations, nor is it the best in all cases.

I will pick up one point from the “pro LINQ” point of view. “With LINQ you can have different input and output types.”

Sure you can. But who says you can’t do that with pipes and filters just as easily?

We define an abstract base class Filter<TIn, TOut>

public abstract class Filter<TIn, TOut>
  public abstract IEnumerable<TOut> Process(IEnumerable<TIn> input);
  public Filter<TIn, TNext> Pipe<TNext>(Filter<TOut, TNext> next)
    return new Pipe<TIn, TOut, TNext>(this, next);

and a derived class Pipe<TIn, T, TOut>

public class Pipe<TIn, T, TOut> : Filter<TIn, TOut>
  private readonly Filter<TIn, T> source;
  private readonly Filter<T, TOut> destination;
  public Pipe(Filter<TIn, T> source, Filter<T, TOut> destination)
    this.source = source;
    this.destination = destination;
  public override sealed IEnumerable<TOut> Process(IEnumerable<TIn> input)
    var x = this.source.Process(input);
    var result = this.destination.Process(x);
    return result;

With these two as a base we can easily chain filters with different input and output types.

We can also fine-tune the ends of the pipeline a bit so that the code is a nicer read. With a small extension method and a just as small dummy class we can use any enumerable as the starting point for defining a pipeline.

public static Filter<TIn, TOut> Pipe<TIn, TOut>(this IEnumerable<TIn> enumerable, Filter<TIn, TOut> filter)
  return new PipelineStartDummy<TIn, TOut>(enumerable, filter);
private class PipelineStartDummy<TIn, TOut> : Filter<TIn, TOut>
  private readonly IEnumerable<TIn> enumerable;
  private readonly Filter<TIn, TOut> filter;
  public PipelineStartDummy(IEnumerable<TIn> enumerable, Filter<TIn, TOut> filter)
    this.enumerable = enumerable;
    this.filter = filter;
  public override IEnumerable<TOut> Process(IEnumerable<TIn> input)
    return this.filter.Process(this.enumerable);

If we don’t care what comes out of the pipeline and just want to start processing values from the source we can use another extension method that encapsulates Oren’s enumerator magic.

public static void Start<TIn, TOut>(this Filter<TIn, TOut> filter)
  var enumerable = filter.Process(null);
  var enumerator = enumerable.GetEnumerator();
  while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { }

And now we put it all together and get the following:

new Numbers(3).Pipe(new Square()).Pipe(new Printer()).Start();

Numbers just returns integer values between 1 and the constructor parameter. Square squares all input values and the Printer writes the input to the console. The call to Start() starts the processing.

While it is not the most impressive example implementation of the pipes and filters pattern I believe that it demonstrates how powerful and flexible the pattern can be. And the code is still readable and very explicit about what you are doing. With just a few lines of code you have a composable, easy to understand solution where you can recombine filters in different orders to change the behavior of the pipeline. And you can do just about anything inside of those filters (think validation or enriching the values traversing through the pipeline with data from services or persistent storage). You can even change the type of the values you are processing between steps. This is yet another case of “Like it a lot!”

Testing and databases

I prefer unit tests over integration tests any time. But at some point you just can’t avoid the latter. You need your components to hit a database to verify that your queries are correct and that you update the right records.

Some databases (like RavenDB for example, see Ayende’s answer) support running completely in-memory specifically for testing scenarios. If you are in the convenient situation to use one of them you can spin up a db instance, fill it with data, run your tests and throw the instance away. Otherwise you have to find another way to prepare your materialized database to offer a well defined set of records.

There are at least two ways to do that: Have a designated test database. Run each test inside a transaction and rollback after the test. Your database should be returned to the original state it was in before the test. Or you can drop the database after each test and recreate it from scratch with the data needed for each test.

I want to talk about the second approach. I wrote a small helper class for a task I’m currently working on. It allows you to define some setup steps (like picking a connection string or selecting the name of the database to create for the test) and a build-up sequence (drop existing db, create empty db, create empty tables etc.). And to make using it nice and easy it automatically drops the created database at the end of the test run.

public void Should_CreateAndDropDatabase()
  using (var result = Database.Build(
    x =>
          db =>

    // ... run your actual test code

Running this test writes some basic information about what’s going on to the console. But you can easily use some other means for tracing.

Retrieving ConnectionString named ‘MyConnectionString’.
Using database name ‘FooDatabase’.
Droping database ‘FooDatabase’.
Creating empty database ‘FooDatabase’.
Creating tables.
Creating test data.
Droping database ‘FooDatabase’.

How is it working? We start from a static entry point (similar to TopShelf’s HostFactory):

public static class Database
  public static DatabaseBuildResult Build(Action<DatabaseBuildConfiguration> action)
    Guard.AssertNotNull(action, "action");
    var config = new DatabaseBuildConfiguration();
    return config.Execute();

From there we make calls to DatabaseBuildConfiguration

public class DatabaseBuildConfiguration
  private readonly AppendOnlyCollection<Action> actions;
  private bool dontDropDatabaseOnDispose;
  public DatabaseBuildConfiguration()
    this.actions = new AppendOnlyCollection<Action>();
  public IAppendOnlyCollection<Action> Actions { get { return this.actions; } }
  public string ConnectionString { get; private set; }
  public string Database { get; private set; }
  public DatabaseBuildResult Execute()
    Action onDispose = this.dontDropDatabaseOnDispose ? () => { } : this.GetDropDatabaseAction();
    var result = new DatabaseBuildResult(onDispose);
      foreach (Action action in this.Actions)
    catch (Exception ex)
      result.Error = ex;
    return result;
  // ... more methods
  public void WithConnectionStringNamed(string connectionStringName)
    Guard.AssertNotEmpty(connectionStringName, "connectionStringName");
    Action action = () =>
        Console.WriteLine("Retrieving ConnectionString named '{0}'.", connectionStringName);
        this.ConnectionString =
  public void BuildSequence(Action<DatabaseBuildSequenceConfiguration> action)
    var config = new DatabaseBuildSequenceConfiguration(this);

This class is basically a container for a list of actions. The methods on the class place actions in the list. Execute() adds some error handling and runs these actions.

DatabaseBuildSequenceConfiguration defines the actions used to manipulate the database. I won’t show it’s code here as it works in the same way as DatabaseBuildConfiguration.

In the sample at the beginning of this post you can see a using-block surrounding the actual test code. The DatabaseBuildResult implements IDisposable. By default disposing the result will also drop the entire database. But you can turn off that behavior by calling DontDropDatabaseOnDispose().

You can add more methods for e.g. running sql scripts to generate or manipulate data or hookup ready to load database files. The model is quite easy to extend.

It’s surely not as good as having a fully functional (and functionally equivalent!) in-memory database but for a reasonably complex database it makes my live a lot easier!

Specification Pattern

The Specification Pattern. Yet another one I find useful in daily business. But a few enhancements can make it even more useful and a lot nicer to handle.

1, 2, many!

The CompositeSpecification is most often implemented with two fields for spec1 and spec2 or left and right. The AndSpecification and OrSpecifications evaluate these fields with their respective operator.

public class Or<T> : CompositeSpecification<T>
  // ...

  public override bool IsSatisfiedBy(T candidate)
    return spec1.IsSatisfiedBy(candidate) || spec2.IsSatisfiedBy(candidate);

This can result in a degenerated tree structure when you link many specifications with the same operator (e.g. a.Or(b).Or(c)...Or(n)).

To avoid this I decided to change the behavior of the composite. Instead of two fields it uses a list of children. If you try to link two specifications the code checks wether either one of them is of the same type as the composite and adds the other composites children instead of the composite itself to the list.

Sounds more complicated than it is. Let’s see some code.

public abstract class CompositeSpecification<T> : Specification<T>
  private readonly List<Specification<T>> children;
  public CompositeSpecification()
    this.children = new List<Specification<T>>();
  public IEnumerable<Specification<T>> Children
    get { return children; }
  public int Count
    get { return this.children.Count; }
  protected void Add(Specification<T> specification)
  protected void AddRange(IEnumerable<Specification<T>> specifications)

public class Or<T> : CompositeSpecification<T>
  public Or(Specification<T> specification, Specification<T> other)
  public override string Description
    get { return " || "; }
  public override bool IsSatisfiedBy(T candidate)
    foreach (Specification<T> specification in this.Children)
      if (specification.IsSatisfiedBy(candidate))
        return true;
    return false;
  private void Include(Specification<T> specification)
    Or<T> or = specification as Or<T>;
    if (or != null)

And this is how two specifications can be linked with an Or operator.

public abstract class Specification<T>
  // ...
  public abstract bool IsSatisfiedBy(T candidate);
  public Specification<T> Or(Specification<T> other)
    return new Or<T>(this, other);

In the end this will put all successive Or’s in a single list, which makes finding the right specification in the tree a lot easier.

What do we have?

Generating a human readable representation of the specification tree can be tedious but is often beneficial if you need to see “what you have”. The easiest way to traverse a tree structure is a Visitor. The same pattern is used by Microsoft in their expression trees.

We add an Accept method and a property for the description of the specification to the base classes

public abstract class Specification<T>
  // ...
  public abstract string Description { get; }
  public virtual void Accept(SpecificationVisitor<T> visitor)

public abstract class CompositeSpecification<T> : Specification<T>
  // ...
  public override void Accept(SpecificationVisitor<T> visitor)

public class Or<T> : CompositeSpecification<T>
  // ...
  public override string Description
    get { return " || "; }

Define a base class for the SpecificationVisitor

public abstract class SpecificationVisitor<T>
  public abstract void Visit(Specification<T> specification);
  public abstract void Visit(CompositeSpecification<T> composite);

And the implementation of a PrettyPrinter becomes as simple as that

public class PrettyPrinter<T> : SpecificationVisitor<T>
  private readonly StringBuilder sb;
  public PrettyPrinter()
  { = new StringBuilder(250);
  public override void Visit(Specification<T> specification)
  public override void Visit(CompositeSpecification<T> composite)
    foreach (Specification<T> child in composite.Children)
    int l = composite.Description.Length; - l, l);")");
  public override string ToString()

And this gives you a nice and friendly printout of your graph

var spec = new AlwaysFalse().Or(new AlwaysTrue().And(new Odd())).Or(new AlwaysTrue());
var printer = new PrettyPrinter<T>();
string friendly = printer.ToString(); // (false || (true && Odd) || true)

First time I tried to attach some zipped source code and found out that WordPress won’t let me… Get the source code here (project TecX.Common folder Specifications and the test suite that puts them to use in TecX.Common.Test).