Quartz.NET meets Design Patterns

This is the third in a series of posts.

In the last post I showed you how I set up some tests for my implementation of retries with Quartz.NET. I repeatedly hinted at some neat tricks to make things more convenient so here they are.

Quartz.NET requires that your jobs only throw JobExecutionExceptions (as explained at the very bottom of this page). There are reasons why this restriction makes sense but I don’t want to litter my business logic with repetitions of the exact same exception handling code. I think that’s what DRY is all about. I don’t want to force all of my jobs to inherit from a specific base class either. At least not for the single purpose of following Quartz.NET’s rules for exception handling.

But by applying a decorator to my job classes I can fix that once and for all.

public class EnsureJobExecutionExceptionDecorator : IJob
  private readonly IJob inner;
  public EnsureJobExecutionExceptionDecorator(IJob inner)
    this.inner = inner;
  public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
    catch (JobExecutionException)
    catch (Exception cause)
      throw new JobExecutionException(cause);

JobExecutionExceptions are simply rethrown. Which allows you to throw them in your job if you have to tweak what to tell the scheduler. All other exceptions become InnerExceptions of a new JobExecutionException. Done. Now that was easy.

But how do I ensure that each time Quartz.NET instantiates a job the decorator is in place?

By replacing the scheduler’s default IJobFactory with something more advanced. For my playground I derived from the PropertySettingJobFactory base class and use Unity to create my jobs.

private sealed class UnityJobFactory : PropertySettingJobFactory
  private readonly IUnityContainer container;
  public UnityJobFactory(IUnityContainer container)
    this.ThrowIfPropertyNotFound = false;
    this.WarnIfPropertyNotFound = true;
    this.container = container;
  public override IJob NewJob(
    TriggerFiredBundle bundle,
    IScheduler scheduler)
    Type jobType = bundle.JobDetail.JobType;
    IJob job = (IJob)this.container.Resolve(jobType);
    JobDataMap data = new JobDataMap();
    this.SetObjectProperties((object)job, data);
    return job;
  public override void ReturnJob(IJob job)

And then its a simple matter to configure Unity to wrap every job it creates with the EnsureJobExecutionExceptionDecorator. Not that hard is it?

And finally there is the code snippet that unfreezes my test thread when I’m done.

public class UnfreezeWhenJobShouldNotRunAgain : IRetryStrategy
  private readonly IRetryStrategy inner;
  private readonly ManualResetEvent reset;
  public UnfreezeWhenJobShouldNotRunAgain(
    IRetryStrategy inner,
    ManualResetEvent reset)
    this.inner = inner;
    this.reset = reset;
  public bool ShouldRetry(IJobExecutionContext context)
    bool shouldRetry = this.inner.ShouldRetry(context);
    if (!shouldRetry)
    return shouldRetry;
  public ITrigger GetTrigger(IJobExecutionContext context)
    return this.inner.GetTrigger(context);

Yet another decorator. Whenever the RetryJobListener from the first post of this series queries the IRetryStrategy wether a job should be run again the decorator checks for “yes” or “no”. And in case of a “no” it will set the ManualResetEvent and allow the test thread to continue.

So we have decorators, an abstract factory and dependency injection here. And all of that in less than 200 lines of code. All pieces short and to the point but by combining them you can build mighty powerful solutions that are still clean and easy to understand.

I hope you enjoyed the series and come back for another read. See you soon!

Testing Retries in Quartz.NET

This is the second in a series of posts.

In the last post I showed you the moving parts for persistent retries with Quartz.NET. Now it’s time to bring them all together.

With a little trick it is quite easy to run the actual Quartz.NET scheduler in a unit test. My current testing framework of choice is xUnit. So that’s what I will use in my code.

public void Should_Try_3_Times_And_Then_Give_Up()
  ISchedulerFactory factory = new StdSchedulerFactory();
  IScheduler scheduler = factory.GetScheduler();

  AlwaysFails alwaysFails = new AlwaysFails();
  IJob decoratedJob = new EnsureJobExecutionExceptionDecorator(alwaysFails);
  var jobFactory = new Mock<IJobFactory>();
      jf => jf.NewJob(It.IsAny<TriggerFiredBundle>(), It.IsAny<IScheduler>()))

  ManualResetEvent reset = new ManualResetEvent(false);
  IRetrySettings settings = new InMemoryRetrySettings
      BackoffBaseInterval = 250.Milliseconds(),
      MaxRetries = 2
  IRetryStrategy sut = new ExponentialBackoffRetryStrategy(settings);
  IRetryStrategy retryStrategy = new UnfreezeWhenJobShouldNotRunAgain(sut, reset);
  IJobListener retryListener = new RetryJobListener(retryStrategy);

  scheduler.JobFactory = jobFactory.Object;

  ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder
      x =>
    .WithIdentity("always", "fails")

  IJobDetail job = JobBuilder
    .WithIdentity("always", "fails")

  scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);


  Assert.Equal(3, alwaysFails.Counter);

We start by setting up the SchedulerFactory and use it to get us a live Quartz.NET scheduler.

For this test I want to be able to tell that scheduler how it should create instances of my job class. I usually use a DI container to implement that factory but for the purpose of this test I use a mock object created with Moq.

Whenever the scheduler asks for an instance of the AlwaysFails job the factory returns a canned instance I created as part of my test setup. I explain the EnsureJobExecutionExceptionDecorator in another post.

Next I plug the actual RetryJobListener together and set it up to listen to all jobs using a catch-all matcher.

Then I configure my job to run immediately. Note that you can instruct the scheduler to run your job repeatedly but that is not what I want here. Under ideal circumstances the job should run once and be done with it. Only in case of failure do I want to run it again. And as another note: You can set a flag on the JobExecutionException that will cause the scheduler to retry immediately. But again: Not what I want.

When you start the scheduler it will create a background thread and do all its work there. The test method will just continue and exit before anything meaningful happens. Thus I need to freeze the test execution thread for a little while. This is what the ManualResetEvent is used for. To allow the test to continue as soon as the retry strategy says we are done trying I use another decorator. This one wraps the retry strategy. Please see the aforementioned post for further details.

In this test I use a large part of the Quartz.NET infrastructure. It’s not quite a system test but close enough for me at the moment. It can be run along with my unit tests because everything is done in-memory and it really doesn’t take that long to finish.

In the final post of this series we will make an excursion into the realm of composable software systems. Stay tuned!

Retries with Quartz.NET

This is the first in a series of posts.

Whenever you have a task that might take a while to complete it is usually a good idea to run it in the background and not block your application.

What makes up “a while” and how far “in the background” you should run your tasks is usually up for discussion.

The scenario here is an ASP.NET web application that needs to perform tasks and might fail because some objects that need to be modified are locked. If a task hits such a lock it should be run again later after waiting a little. And again after waiting some more. And again. And then again sometime in the middle of the night when it is rather improbable that the objects are still locked. And then give up eventually sending a notification to a human to resolve the problem.

For in process retries Microsoft p&p offers the Transient Fault Handling Application Block (infos on MSDN and CodePlex). But I needed a persistent retry strategy that would kick in if the application goes down for one reason or another.

There are a lot of things to keep in mind when running recurring tasks inside ASP.NET and a lot of really good reasons why you don’t want to write your own scheduler. Luckily there are quite a few alternatives to that.

I decided to solve my problem using Quartz.NET. It is free. It is battle hardened. It is widely used so the search engine of my choice will be able to find a substantial amount of blog posts and questions on popular Q&A sites. And last but not least: I wanted to take a look at it for quite some time.

I don’t want to give an introduction to Quartz.NET here. Their website does a fairly good job (no pun intended) at that.

So I will jump right into the thick of things and show you my approach to how to implement retries using Quartz.NET.

After some web search I decided to use this post as a starting point but make some adjustments along the way.

To implement custom tasks (or jobs as Quartz calls them) you have to implement the IJob interface. It doesn’t get any more straightforward. Implement your logic inside the single method of the interface and you are done. The only thing to keep in mind is that your job must only throw exceptions of a specific type. I outline my solution to that problem in another post of this series.

To be able to test my solution I created a job that would always fail. That turned out to be really simple.

public class AlwaysFails : IJob
  private int counter;
  public AlwaysFails()
    this.counter = 0;
  public int Counter
    get { return this.counter; }
  public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
    throw new NotImplementedException();

For every call to the Execute()-method I increase a counter by one and throw an exception. Quartz requires that you only throw JobExecutionException inside your jobs. There is a simple solution to that problem that allows me to ignore this requirement here.

Now to the interesting part. As mentioned by the post linked above a custom IJobListener is the best place to put your retry logic. But I don’t want to hard-wire the logic that calculates whether the job should run again or when the next attempt should be made into the handler itself.

The listener only looks at whether the job failed. Then it asks a retry strategy (we will come to that in a moment) if the job should run again. And if the answer is yes it asks the strategy when the next attempt should be made and reschedules the job accordingly.

public class RetryJobListener : JobListenerSupport
  private readonly IRetryStrategy retryStrategy;
  public RetryJobListener(IRetryStrategy retryStrategy)
    this.retryStrategy = retryStrategy;
  public override string Name { get { return "Retry"; } }
  public override void JobWasExecuted(IJobExecutionContext context, JobExecutionException jobException)
    if (JobFailed(jobException) && this.retryStrategy.ShouldRetry(context))
      ITrigger trigger = this.retryStrategy.GetTrigger(context);
      bool unscheduled = context.Scheduler.UnscheduleJob(context.Trigger.Key);
      DateTimeOffset nextRunAt = context.Scheduler.ScheduleJob(context.JobDetail, trigger);
  public override void JobToBeExecuted(IJobExecutionContext context)
  private static bool JobFailed(JobExecutionException jobException)
    return jobException != null;

Nothing fancy so far. The retry strategy that contains the logic to determine whether or not the job should run again consists of the simple interface IRetryStrategy

public interface IRetryStrategy
  bool ShouldRetry(IJobExecutionContext context);
  ITrigger GetTrigger(IJobExecutionContext context);

and (as of now) one implementation for an exponential back-off strategy.

public class ExponentialBackoffRetryStrategy : IRetryStrategy
  private const string Retries = "Retries";
  private readonly IRetrySettings settings;
  public ExponentialBackoffRetryStrategy(IRetrySettings settings)
    this.settings = settings;
  public bool ShouldRetry(IJobExecutionContext context)
    int retries = GetAlreadyPerformedRetries(context);
    return retries < this.settings.MaxRetries;
  public ITrigger GetTrigger(IJobExecutionContext context)
    int retries = GetAlreadyPerformedRetries(context);
    long factor = (long)Math.Pow(2, retries);
    TimeSpan backoff = new TimeSpan(this.settings.BackoffBaseInterval.Ticks * factor);

    ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
      .StartAt(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow + backoff)
      .WithSimpleSchedule(x => x.WithRepeatCount(0))

    context.JobDetail.JobDataMap[Retries] = ++retries;
    return trigger;
  private static int GetAlreadyPerformedRetries(IJobExecutionContext context)
    int retries = 0;
    object o;
    if (context.JobDetail.JobDataMap.TryGetValue(Retries, out o) && o is int)
      retries = (int)o;
    return retries;

Like in the example we use the JobDataMap of the job to store the retry counter. That map is automatically persisted (if you configured a persistent IJobStore) between runs so we won’t loose that counter. We can configure how many retries should be performed using the IRetrySettings. There is an in-memory implementation and one that hooks up with my playground’s configuration system. The details don’t matter here so I will just show you the interface declaration.

public interface IRetrySettings
  int MaxRetries { get; }
  TimeSpan BackoffBaseInterval { get; }

Until we hit the upper boundary of MaxRetries we calculate the time the job should wait and create a new trigger for the next run using Quartz’ fluent TriggerBuilder. Don’t forget to increase the counter for the retries!

Well and that’s the implementation part. The next post will show you how to bring it all together for a test run.

Quartz and other gems

Originally I intended to write a post about retries using the Quartz.NET scheduler.

But the post ended up being far too long so I decided to break it up into a short series.

  1. Retries with Quartz.NET
  2. Testing Retries with Quartz.NET
  3. Quartz.NET meets Design Patterns

Customer-extensible configuration

While playing around with custom resources I wondered what ways there are to configure which IResourceManager is used for those generated classes.

As I mentioned before I’m not particularly fond of XML for configuration purposes. But the *.config files are still the most commonly used means to configure a .NET application.

My goal was to allow a developer to configure which of a set of predefined resource managers to use (an obvious choice would be the file based approach with the .NET ResourceManager and maybe a database based implementation) while allowing him to add his own implementations later on. That kind of extensibility calls for an abstract factory approach.

The config file should look something like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <section name="i18n" type="Playground.I18nSettingsSection, Playground" />
    <clear />
    <add name="DEFAULT" connectionString="localhost"/>
      <db connectionStringName="DEFAULT" />

File 1: What I wanted my App.config to look like

The code behind that solution should be quite simple. Along the lines of:

public class I18nSection : ConfigurationSection
  public ResourceManagerSettings ResourceManager
    get { return (ResourceManagerSettings) base["resxManager"]; }

    set { base["resxManager"] = value; }

public abstract class ResourceManagerSettings : ConfigurationElement
  public abstract IResourceManager GetResourceManager(Type resourceFileType);

File 2: What I thought might be a good idea for the code behind

When was anything ever that easy? The whole thing blew up in my face. The underlying problem being that the .NET configuration system cannot create an instance of an abstract class (the ResourceManagerSettings) and you can neither get access to the code where the instantiation happens (it’s a private method somewhere inside ConfigurationElement) nor can you handle it via overriding OnDeserializeUnrecognizedElement in your section class. The element is not truly unrecognized if you decorate the ResourceManager property with the ConfigurationPropertyAttribute so the method would never be triggered. You can remove the attribute but then where do you store the created object? You can’t call base["resxManager"] anymore because there is no longer a ConfigurationProperty with that name. And what if you had more than one “unrecognized element” in that section? You couldn’t assume that you where to create a concrete implementation of your abstract ResourceManagerSettings which would make figuring out which class to instantiate quite a bit harder (remember that you want the developer to be able to extend that solution later).

So I had to figure out another approach. What eventually worked was moving the whole concept up one level in the hierarchy of the config system. Where I formerly used a ConfigurationSection I had to use a ConfigurationSectionGroup as base class. And the ConfigurationElement became a ConfigurationSection.

What I ended up with was an App.config that looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <sectionGroup name="i18n" type="Playground.I18nSettingsSectionGroup, Playground">
      <!--<section name="file" type="Playground.FileResourceManagerSettings, Playground"/>-->
      <!--<section name="null" type="Playground.NullResourceManagerSettings, Playground"/>-->
      <section name="db" type="Playground.DbResourceManagerSettings, Playground"/>
    <clear />
    <add name="DEFAULT" connectionString="localhost"/>
    <db connectionStringName="DEFAULT" />

File 3: Actual App.config

And the code behind to match the .config file:

public class I18nSettingsSectionGroup : ConfigurationSectionGroup
  public const string NAME = "i18n";

  private ResourceManagerSettings _ResourceManagerSettings;

  public ResourceManagerSettings ResourceManager
      if (this._ResourceManagerSettings != null)
        return this._ResourceManagerSettings;

      if ((this._ResourceManagerSettings = this.Sections.OfType<ResourceManagerSettings>().SingleOrDefault()) == null)
        this._ResourceManagerSettings = new FileResourceManagerSettings();
        this.Sections.Add(FileResourceManagerSettings.NAME, this._ResourceManagerSettings);

      return this._ResourceManagerSettings;

      ResourceManagerSettings resourceManagerSettings = this.Sections.OfType<ResourceManagerSettings>().SingleOrDefault();

      if (resourceManagerSettings != null && !Equals(resourceManagerSettings, value))

      this.Sections.Add(value.SectionInformation.Name, value);

public abstract class ResourceManagerSettings : ConfigurationSection
  public abstract IResourceManager GetResourceManager(Type resourceFileType);

public class FileResourceManagerSettings : ResourceManagerSettings
  public const string NAME = "file";

  public override IResourceManager GetResourceManager(Type resourceFileType)
    return new ResourceManagerWrapper(new ResourceManager(resourceFileType.FullName, resourceFileType.Assembly));

File 4: Actual implementation

In the <configSections> part of the .config file I configure the I18nSectionGroup with at most one (!) implementation of the ResourceManagerSettings. If you add multiple implementations the .NET configuration system will instantiate all of them when you read from the file. And now you would have to figure out which one you actually wanted to use. So (by design!) the code above will fail in case you configured more than one ResourceManagerSetting.

If you don’t configure anything the I18nSectionGroup will fall back to the FileResourceManagerSettings. I believe that’s an acceptable default.

When you set the I18nSectionGroup.ResourceManager property at run-time and save the configuration back to disk the correct section type will be persisted in the <configSections> part of your .config file.

So what I got is not exactly what I wanted. If the .NET framework weren’t as uptight about the object creation (the configuration system is by no means the only part of the framework that behaves like that!) the whole exercise would have been a lot easier. To MS’ defense: From the comments in the code of the ConfigurationElement they seemed to have some security considerations going on. Still, they might (at least) have provided a way to influence what type of object should be created if they couldn’t/didn’t want to let you handle the instantiation itself.

Anyway. You now have a means to configure where your resources are loaded from and if you want to add another source (like RavenDB for example) you can always do so with little effort. If you either mark your resource classes with an interface or a custom Attribute or decide on a naming convention it is really easy to brew up a little reflection code that sets the static ResourceManager property at application start-up.

Item templates and custom resources

In a previous post I wrote about Custom resources with T4 templates. Back then I used the ReSharper multi-file templates to add the .resx and .tt files to my projects. The one downside of that approach: it requires R# 8.x which might not be readily available.

Thus I wanted to find out how to create a Visual Studio item template that achieves the same goal. Microsoft has a step-by-step guide that explains the process. That gives you the basics. But there is some fine-tuning that they don’t explain.

If you add a .resx file to your project the generated .Designer.cs file is hidden in the solution explorer. I wanted to do the same and hide the .tt file underneath the .resx file. Preferably I wanted both the .tt and the generated .Designer.cs file on the level directly below the .resx file (as shown in the first screenshot). But the TextTemplatingFileGenerator always puts the generated output file on the level below the .tt file (as in the second screenshot) on every run. I decided to stop battling VS. Its not worth the effort in this case.

Screenshot 1: Nice to have

Screenshot 1: Nice to have

Screenshot 2: What you actually get

Screenshot 2: What you actually get

To actually hide the .tt file via the item template is quite easy if not really prominently advertised. There’s a post on stackoverflow that explains how you need to modify your template.

The second <ProjectItem> is the interesting part. You need to prefix the .tt file with the path to the .resx file. When the item template is invoked that will translate to a <DependentUpon> clause in your project file.

<VSTemplate Version="3.0.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/vstemplate/2005" Type="Item">
    <Name>Customizable resources</Name>
    <Description>Creates a .resx file that uses a T4 template to generate strongly typed resources.</Description>
    <ProjectItem SubType="" TargetFileName="$fileinputname$.resx" ReplaceParameters="true">Resource.resx</ProjectItem>
    <ProjectItem SubType="" TargetFileName="$fileinputname$.resx\$fileinputname$.tt" ReplaceParameters="true">Resource.tt</ProjectItem>

File 1: MyTemplate.vstemplate

Also make sure that you set ReplaceParameters="true" for the .resx file. You will want to add template parameters for the namespace and the class name.

For that I used two of the predefined parameters: $rootnamespace$ and $safeitemname$. Note that the first one gives you the full path to your .resx file and not the root namespace of the current project! If you place the resources in project Foo in the folder Assets the value of $rootnamespace$ will thus be Foo.Assets. Maybe someone at MS thought that’s a funny way to lead developers on a wild goose chase …

And that’s what the .tt file looks like

// <auto-generated>
//     This code was generated by a tool.
//     Runtime Version:4.0.30319.34003
//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
//     the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
<#@ template hostspecific="true" language="C#" #>
<#@ output extension=".Designer.cs" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Xml" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Xml.Linq" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.IO" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Xml.Linq" #>

namespace $rootnamespace$
    using System;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Resources;
    using System.Threading;
    using MyI18n;

    public class $safeitemname$
        private static IResourceManager resourceManager;
        private static CultureInfo resourceCulture;

        public static IResourceManager ResourceManager
                if(resourceManager == null)
                    IResourceManager temp = new ResourceManagerWrapper(new ResourceManager("$rootnamespace$.$safeitemname$", typeof($safeitemname$).Assembly));
                    resourceManager = temp;

                return resourceManager;

                resourceManager = value;

        public static CultureInfo Culture
                return resourceCulture;

                resourceCulture = value;
    string resxFileName = this.Host.TemplateFile.Replace(".tt", ".resx");
    XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(resxFileName);

    if(doc != null && doc.Root != null)
        foreach(XElement x in doc.Root.Descendants("data"))
            string name = x.Attribute("name").Value;
            WriteLine("        public static string " + name);
            WriteLine("        {");
            WriteLine("            get { return $safeitemname$.ResourceManager.GetString(\"" + name + "\", resourceCulture ?? CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture); }");
            WriteLine("        }");

File 2: Resource.tt

Don’t forget to adjust your using statements to the location of the IResourceManager interface and the ResourceManagerWrapper class.

Your .zip file should look something like this:

Screenshot 3: Contents of the .zip file

Screenshot 3: Contents of the .zip file


Now copy it to "C:\Users\[YOUR USERNAME]\Documents\Visual Studio [YOUR VISUAL STUDIO VERSION]\Templates\ItemTemplates\Visual C#" and fire up VS. Once you click “Add new item” your new template should appear right on top of the “Visual C# Items”.

Screenshot 4: Add new item

Screenshot 4: Add new item


You can download the template from my pet project’s site.

TypedFactory reloaded

Another piece of code that I wrote some time ago came back to my attention recently and I decided to give it the same treatment as the SmartConstructor and do some cleanup on the TypedFactory port I did for Unity.

One thing I really disliked at the time was that the Unity Interception Extension cannot generate a “proxy without target” out of the box. If you want to intercept calls to an object you actually need to have that object. A pipeline with no target isn’t possible with Unity.

As I had experimented with IL code generation before I took the long way round and built a NullObject generator. Not pretty. But it worked.

Another issue was the need to fumble an instance of the container into the interception pipeline by putting it in a dictionary, retrieving it down the pipeline, cast it back to a container and then start working with it. For the life of me I couldn’t find an architecturally clean way to solve that issue then. But the ugly one worked.

If you can’t see the forest for the trees you need to take a step back. A year later I took a look at a post that I had read back then and all of a sudden the pieces fell into place.

As an answer to a question in the Unity discussion forum Chris Tavares solved both of my problems. I just didn’t get it the first time.

The code snippet to generate a proxy without a target (or more precisely an interception pipeline without a target) is really simple.

  Type type,
  ITypeInterceptor interceptor,
  IEnumerable<IInterceptionBehavior> interceptionBehaviors,
  IEnumerable<Type> additionalInterfaces,
  params object[] constructorParameters)


This method gives us all that we need. The type parameter lets you specify the type of the target object. As we don’t actually need a target typeof(object) is good enough. The VirtualMethodInterceptor from Chris’ answer is what we will use as interceptor. The factory interface we want to implement goes into the additionalInterfaces. As our target is a simple object we don’t need to bother about constructorParameters.

The actual factory logic is implemented as an IInterceptionBehavior called FactoryBehavior (I’m all for self-explanatory names by the way). But that behavior still needs an instance of the container which is just not available at the place this is all wired up.

Again, Chris’ post gave me a solution that I just didn’t recognize.

Anyway, to hook it up to the container, the quickest thing to do would be to use InjectionFactory to call the Intercept.NewInstance API.

InjectionFactory is derived from InjectionMember (as is TypedFactory). InjectionMembers are Unity’s way to make very specific additions to the build pipeline of a type. An InjectionFactory tells the  container how to construct an object instead of letting the container figure out how to do that itself.

InjectionFactory has two constructors that each take a delegate that lets you specify how to create your object of interest.

I’ll just show you the signature of the greedier one of the two.

public InjectionFactory(Func<IUnityContainer, Type, string, object> factoryFunc)

The first parameter is a container out of the depths of the Unity infrastructure. And its totally for free. Below you see the new implementation of the AddPolicies(Type, Type, string, IPolicyList) method of the TypedFactory.

public override void AddPolicies(Type ignore, Type factoryType, string name, IPolicyList policies)
  if (factoryType.IsInterface)
    InjectionFactory injectionFactory = new InjectionFactory(
      (container, t, n) => Intercept.NewInstanceWithAdditionalInterfaces(
        new VirtualMethodInterceptor(),
        new IInterceptionBehavior[] { new FactoryBehavior(container, this.selector) },
        new[] { factoryType }));

    injectionFactory.AddPolicies(ignore, factoryType, name, policies);
  else if (factoryType.IsAbstract)
    InjectionFactory injectionFactory = new InjectionFactory(
      (container, t, n) => Intercept.NewInstance(
        new VirtualMethodInterceptor(),
        new IInterceptionBehavior[] { new FactoryBehavior(container, this.selector) }));

    injectionFactory.AddPolicies(ignore, factoryType, name, policies);
    throw new ArgumentException("'factoryType' must either be an interface or an abstract class.", "factoryType");

It supports interfaces and abstract classes as factoryType. Based on that distinction we either use the Intercept.NewInstanceWithAdditionalInterfaces or Intercept.NewInstance method to create our factory implementation. The container provided by the InjectionFactory gets forwarded into our FactoryBehavior and we are done. The rest of the implementation stays the same.

Now this is more like it. We reuse large parts of the Unity infrastructure instead of reinventing the wheel and quite a bit of code becomes obsolete. As usual you can find the code for the updated TypedFactory on my CodePlex site (project TecX.Unity[Factories] and the tests that show how it works under TecX.Unity.Test[Factories]).

Please not another NullReference

I’m just sitting in front of a piece of code. Only about 30 lines long it contains more than 10 checks for null values. It is barely readable even after I combined some of these checks into methods with meaningful names. I don’t dare to think about what any complexity metric would tell me about it 😦

I know that inventing the Null Reference was one of the biggest mistakes in the history of computer science. But just because I know that doesn’t help me much when dealing with the aftermath of that mistake on a daily basis.

There are a few things that help though.

Never return null!

Your methods should never ever in any case return null! Ever! I mean it!

For strings there is string.Empty.

For enumerations there is Enumerable.Empty<T>() or the empty array T[0]. If you use lists or collections (preferably represented by their respective interfaces) there is the (newly created) empty list.

For infrastructure components there is always some implementation of the NullObject Pattern (think about a NullLogger that does not write anything anywhere).

For data objects you can define an Empty property that contains an object that is valid in the sense of “I’m valid by the rules of your programming language” but that is defined as invalid by your business rules (think in terms of Guid.Empty). Make sure to enforce the use of these properties. In addition to anything else it will make your code more readable.

For numeric IDs you should define a lower threshold for what is valid and what not. Usually IDs that are less than or equal to zero are not valid. They are just the default that .NET assigns to numeric types. Make that decision explicit! That way it is safe to check for invalid IDs anywhere you use them.

Oh and while I’m at it: Don’t throw NullReferenceExceptions when validating the parameters of a method. Use Guard classes that throw ArgumentNullExceptions or Code Contracts that throw their own special type of exception. NullReferenceExceptions are system exceptions and should stay that way.

Custom resources with T4

Resource files are an old hat in .NET. They have been around since v1.1 and are one popular way to localize strings in an application.

Visual Studio provides two built-in tools (namely PublicResXFileCodeGenerator and ResXFileCodeGenerator) that generate code from the *.resx files. They generate classes with different visibility (public vs. internal) but the result is otherwise the same. You get a property to get and set the culture of the resource (to override the usage of the current UI culture), a hardwired instance of the framework’s ResourceManager and a bunch of static properties that forward the call to their getter to the ResourceManager. Nothing truly spectacular so far.

The ResourceManager takes care of the hassles of getting the correct version of your resources out of the files and the static properties allow for very convenient usage throughout your application. Alas, life could be so easy if customers were satisfied with that scenario. But they want to be able to customize their application (preferably without the involvement of a developer) to fit the corporate identity, use established vocabulary etc. pp.

Hard-wired static classes just don’t fit those customer requirements. But I believe they are a very good first step on the way if you could just tweak them a bit.

Unfortunately you cannot do anything to make those classes any more flexible. They are not partial. The creation of and the access to the ResourceManager is out of your reach. You get what the tools give you. Nothing more and nothing less. As I did not want to go through the painful process of writing a custom extension for VS I looked for a different approach. And found the Text Template Transformation Toolkit (T4).

I even found a tutorial on CodeProject that explains how to do what I wanted to achieve. I just wanted my result to look a little different.

What were my requirements?

  • Static properties for convenient access to the localized resources
  • Allow to replace the ResourceManager by editing the template
  • Allow to replace the ResourceManager at runtime via settable property
  • Avoid the complexity of overwriting the virtual methods of ResourceManager

Lets start from the last requirement. The ResourceManager class has way to much functionality for my liking even if most of that functionality seems to be accessible to derived types via virtual methods. So I decided to create a very simple interface that contains the only method that is used by the generated resource classes.

public interface IResourceManager
  string GetString(string name, CultureInfo culture);

An equally simple adapter from interface to the framework class allows me to use the default ResourceManager.

public class ResourceManagerWrapper : IResourceManager
  private readonly ResourceManager resourceManager;

  public ResourceManagerWrapper(ResourceManager resourceManager)
    this.resourceManager = resourceManager;

  public string GetString(string name, CultureInfo culture)
    return this.resourceManager.GetString(name, culture);

I added a setter to the static ResourceManager property and changed its type to IResourceManager. And finally I added a fallback to the default ResourceManager in case someone sets the property to null. The result is functionally identical to the code that VS generates but looks less generated. But that’s a matter of taste. Below is a sample of the generated output.

public class Labels
  private static IResourceManager resourceManager;
  private static CultureInfo resourceCulture;

  public static IResourceManager ResourceManager
      if(resourceManager == null)
        IResourceManager temp = new ResourceManagerWrapper(new ResourceManager("Main.Assets.Resources.Labels", typeof(Labels).Assembly));
        resourceManager = temp;
      return resourceManager;
      resourceManager = value;
  public static CultureInfo Culture
      return resourceCulture;
      resourceCulture = value;
  public static string MyMultiLanguageString
    get { return ResourceManager.GetString("MyMultiLanguageString", resourceCulture ?? CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture); }

That was the boring part I guess. The actual template file being the more interesting one.

// <auto-generated>
//     This code was generated by a tool.
//     Runtime Version:4.0.30319.34003
//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
//     the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
<#@ template hostspecific="true" language="C#" #>
<#@ output extension=".Designer.cs" #>
<#@ assembly name="EnvDTE" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.IO" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Xml" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Xml.Linq" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.IO" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Xml.Linq" #>

namespace Main.Assets.Resources
    using System;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Resources;
    using System.Threading;
    using Infrastructure.I18n;

    public class Labels
        private static IResourceManager resourceManager;
        private static CultureInfo resourceCulture;

        public static IResourceManager ResourceManager
                if(resourceManager == null)
                    IResourceManager temp = new ResourceManagerWrapper(new ResourceManager("Main.Assets.Resources.Labels", typeof(Labels).Assembly));
                    resourceManager = temp;

                return resourceManager;

                resourceManager = value;

        public static CultureInfo Culture
                return resourceCulture;

                resourceCulture = value;
    string resxFileName = this.Host.TemplateFile.Replace(".tt", ".resx");
    XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(resxFileName);

    if(doc != null && doc.Root != null)
        foreach(XElement x in doc.Root.Descendants("data"))
            string name = x.Attribute("name").Value;
            WriteLine("        public static string " + name);
            WriteLine("        {");
            WriteLine("            get { return ResourceManager.GetString(\"" + name + "\", resourceCulture ?? CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture); }");
            WriteLine("        }");

One thing to notice is that the namespace for the generated file is hardcoded in the template. This has several reasons.

While T4 is an awesome idea, MS managed to mess it up (as usual you might add). There is a VS implementation of ITextTemplatingHostEngine (which allows you to debug your template from the solution explorer. +1 for that feature!) and one for MSBuild (which does not support debugging as far as I found out). Those implementations are your entry point into the VS API from inside a template. As you might expect: They have just enough subtle differences to screw you up… Getting the correct namespace for a file is just one of them.

Another thing is that I decided to go with one template per *.resx file. You can enhance the template and locate all input files for code generation in your solution and compute the output destination and… I wanted a simple solution so I did not go that route.

And last but not least: I use ReSharper’s Multifile Templates to create new *.resx files. That gives me the resources and the templates in a single step. ReSharper has a macro to insert the default namespace of a project into the template file. I have a convention for the folder structure in which I place resource files so I can just append that to the namespace an be done with it.

And the really, really last thing I want to mention before I finish this post: You can hook up the generation process of your templates to MSBuild (which is the reason I noticed the differences between the VS and the MSBuild template engine). That way you can be sure that your build always uses the latest generated resource code and avoid the error prone step of manually calling “Run custom tool” after you made changes to a *.resx files. Oleg Sych collected a lot of information related to T4 in his blog.

Testing custom StyleCop rules

StyleCop is the preferred way to enforce consistency in your project’s coding style. Code guidelines in printed or electronic form are always inferior to automatic validation of said guidelines as part of your build process. You get compiler warnings or errors with (hopefully) helpful and descriptive explanations of why what you did is a bad idea. StyleCop even contains a ReSharper plugin that adds quick-fixes for many rule violations.

But StyleCop can do more than just notify you that someone forgot an empty line after a closing curly bracket. As a proof of concept I wrote rules that should prevent faulty re-throws (catch-blocks in the form of catch(Exception ex) { throw ex; }) that swallow the StackTrace or constructors with more than 4 parameters (which is considered a code smell that indicates a component has too many responsibilities).

The point of this post however is not to show you how to write such rules but how you can make sure that they really work by testing them as part of your regular unit testing process. If you are looking for samples on how to write custom rules check out this post or use the search engine of your choice. There are lots of samples.

Posts like this one explain how to setup tests for custom StyleCop rules using the Visual Studio test-runner and VS’ Test View. In my opinion that thing gives you the worst possible user-experience. It makes running your tests as convenient as reading a paper about quantum physics. ReSharper or TestDriven.Net are way more easy to handle. But the given examples don’t work properly with those tools or alternative test-runners (e.g. NUnit or xUnit). I love my tools and I hate to be forced to use something inferior by circumstances that I can influence. So I set out to remove that particular bump in the road.

I did not want to fumble with files and how and where to deploy them for test-runs with different test frameworks or tools. Instead I wanted to make these files embedded resources that are just there when I run my tests. I started with the sample mentioned above and made several changes to it.

  1. Use the StyleCopObjectConsole instead of the StyleCopConsole.
  2. Create a class derived from SourceCode that handles loading code from embedded resources (I called mine ResourceBasedSourceCode. Samples for that can be found in the StyleCop source code. Search for StringBasedSourceCode).
  3. The StyleCopObjectConsole requires an instance of ObjectBasedEnvironment which in turn requires a delegate that creates SourceCode instances for given file names. Make that delegate create instances of your ResourceBasedSourceCode.
  4. Hook up the handlers for output and violations to the events of StyleCopObjectConsole.Core instead of the events of the console object.

Lets have a look at the source code of the tests for which I use xUnit.

public class CodeQualityAnalyzerFixture
  private readonly StyleCopObjectConsole console;
  private readonly ICollection output;
  private readonly ICollection violations;
  private readonly CodeProject codeProject;

  public CodeQualityAnalyzerFixture()
    this.violations = new List<string>();
    this.output = new List<string>();
    ObjectBasedEnvironment environment = new ObjectBasedEnvironment(ResourceBasedSourceCode.Create, GetProjectSettings);
    ICollection<string> addinPaths = new[] { "." };
    this.console = new StyleCopObjectConsole(environment, null, addinPaths, true);
    CsParser parser = new CsParser();
    this.console.Core.ViolationEncountered += (s, e) =&gt; this.violations.Add(e.Violation);
    this.console.Core.OutputGenerated += (s, e) =&gt; this.output.Add(e.Output);
    this.codeProject = new CodeProject(0, null, new Configuration(null));

  public void Should_Flag_TooManyCtorParameters()
    this.AnalyzeCodeWithAssertion("TooManyConstructorArguments.cs", 1);

  public void Should_Flag_IncorrectRethrow()
    this.AnalyzeCodeWithAssertion("IncorrectRethrow.cs", 1);

  private Settings GetProjectSettings(string path, bool readOnly)
    return null;

  private void AnalyzeCodeWithAssertion(string codeFileName, int expectedViolations)
    Assert.Equal(expectedViolations, this.violations.Count);

  private void WriteOutputToConsole()
    foreach (var o in this.output)

  private void WriteViolationsToConsole()
    foreach (var violation in this.violations)

  private void AddSourceCode(string resourceFileName)
    bool sourceCodeSuccessfullyLoaded = this.console.Core.Environment.AddSourceCode(this.codeProject, resourceFileName, null);
    if (sourceCodeSuccessfullyLoaded == false)
      throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Source file '{0}' could not be added.", resourceFileName));

  private void StartAnalysis()
    IList projects = new[] { this.codeProject };

What does it do? Lets start with the test setup in the constructor.

  1. Initialize the collections for the output generated by StyleCop.
  2. Instantiate the ObjectBasedEnvironment providing it with the required delegates to create SourceCode and Settings. The SourceCodeFactory delegate is a static method of my ResourceBasedSourceCode class so we will come to that in a moment. The ProjectSettingsFactory delegate always returns null.
  3. Define a path to the add-in under test (which is the assembly that contains our custom rules). So the dot stands for the “current working folder” where said add-in will be copied to by the build by default.
  4. Create the console object and add a CsParser to the console. As the name indicates it is responsible for parsing C# code files. Don’t forget to register the file extension for C# code files when you create the parser or it just won’t work. The extension name is case-sensitive. Use upper-case.
  5. Register the eventhandlers that will write output and rule violations to the respective collections that will be evaluated after StyleCop is done processing your code files.
  6. Create a new CodePoject. The code files you want analyzed will be added to that project during your tests.

The test methods are simple. They call the AnalyzeCodeWithAssertion method with the name of the file you want to analyze and the number of violations you expect. This is the most basic validation possible. You can make it arbitrarily complex if you want to (e.g. by asserting the type of the expected violation or message texts or …).

Note that I made my ResourceBasedSourceCode class handle incomplete file names. I didn’t want to have to deal with all the namespaces that are added as prefixes to embedded resources so I decided to go with “EndsWith” semantics. As long as the name of the resource ends with the file name provided as a parameter it works just fine.

The AnalyzeCodeWithAssertion method is responsible for

  1. Adding the source code to the project that will be analyzed.
  2. Running the actual analysis using StyleCop.
  3. Writing the output generated during the analysis to the console so you can explore it at leisure after the test is run.
  4. Asserting your expectations.

Nothing spectacular there. Now lets have a look at the code for the ResourceBasedSourceCode.

public class ResourceBasedSourceCode : SourceCode
  private readonly string _ResourceName;
  public ResourceBasedSourceCode(CodeProject project, SourceParser parser, string resourceName)
    : this(project, parser, resourceName, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly())
  public ResourceBasedSourceCode(CodeProject project, SourceParser parser, string resourceName, Assembly assembly)
    : base(project, parser)
    Guard.AssertNotEmpty(resourceName, "resourceName");
    Guard.AssertNotNull(assembly, "assembly");
    string fullResourceName = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames()
	  .FirstOrDefault(rn => rn.EndsWith(resourceName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullResourceName))
      throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("No resource has a name that ends with '{0}'", resourceName), "resourceName");
    _ResourceName = fullResourceName;

  public static SourceCode Create(string path, CodeProject project, SourceParser parser, object context)
    return new ResourceBasedSourceCode(project, parser, path);

  public override TextReader Read()
    Stream stream = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(_ResourceName);
    return new StreamReader(stream);

  public override bool Exists
    get { return true; }

  public override string Name
    get { return _ResourceName; }

  public override string Path
    get { return _ResourceName; }

  public override DateTime TimeStamp
    get { return DateTime.MinValue; }

  public override string Type
    get { return "cs"; }

There is very little magic involved in this class. In the constructor we try to find an embedded resource matching the name that is provided as a parameter and store the full name of the resource in a field. If that step doesn’t fail we can safely assume that we can open a Stream to read that resource later on. The file extension is hard-coded to C# files (property Type). Lower-case for the extension name is OK here. Don’t ask, I have no clue why the developers decided to make that different from the behavior of the CsParser. The Create method is a factory method with the signature of the SourceCodeFactory delegate as required by the ObjectBasedEnvironment. Everything else is implemented in the most basic way to make the analysis pass.

Now just add a folder that contains the code files to your test project (I called it “Resources”). Make sure to set the files’ Build Action to “Embedded Resource”. And you are ready to roll.

That’s all the infrastructure you need. Doesn’t look that complicated, does it? If you are interested in the complete source code you can find that here. The project names are TecX.Build and TecX.Build.Test. Have fun!